
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

On taking the plunge: moving to a new city

Recently I seem to have a lot of friends, family, coworkers who are talking about making geographic moves. Some are professionally or academically driven. Some simply need a change. 

They often reach out to pick my brain given my experience. Each time I generally have the same reaction to them: Do it.

If you're like these dozen or so people in my network who have the desire, means, interest and drive to make a move across the country, across an ocean, to a new area where you might not know anyone, wherever really, my advice (barring any major issue or unique situation) is to do it.

Sure it's complicated, expensive, scary, and risky but life just gets more complicated, scary, and risky. It's also exciting, ballsy, and ultimately will build character.

It can blow up in your face. A job or a city can most certainly go sour. It's happened to me and I've seen it happen to others. But you keep your head up, your eyes and sights on the bigger picture of your larger life goals, and you make the best of it. Any experience will better you, even if that simply so you know what to not look for next time.

A while back when I was considering a move that might be seen by some as risky I remember talking with a good friend who said something wonderful to me; she said, "You can always come back." And it's true. If something doesn't work out you can always course correct, you can try something and someplace different, but you do have to try. 

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