
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

let's get this show on the road!

72 hours ago I moved from DC to Atlanta. After hearing me say that I would for a while, my trusted friends and loved ones have inspired (convinced?) me to actually start a blog about my experience.

Some background: I am starting a new job down here and while I am lucky enough to know a handful of people and have been introduced to some other young professionals in the area, I'm pretty much starting without a base, or a smaller, school-like setting in which to meet new like-minded people.

I am extremely passionate about helping others understand what they want out of their lives, and how the choices we make regarding our careers, relationships, geographic locations, and more can help or hinder our goals. While I don't often share personal things past my inner circle, I figure that I may be able to touch and help a few more people if I show how my own choices have, are, and will impact my own life. Plus I'll be pushing myself outside my boundaries! 

With that, this will be the space where I share my experiences.

A few disclaimers: I know how to type and can navigate the Internet, I do not claim to be a writer. That's really the only disclaimer. 

So that this post is not entirely a tee-up I'll share a few things that I've learned during my first few days in Georgia (not all are unique to moving but just go with it):
  • While many may wear workout clothes while shopping to give the appearance that they're hitting gym after I highly recommend furniture shopping in them, especially in muggy Georgia.
  • Snap chat can be your best friend in a new place (I specify snap chat since other social media can actually be your worse enemy when missing friends and family elsewhere since they remind you that you in fact have friends doing fun things without you).
  • Air mattresses can be super comfy (I actually knew this already).
  • If using movers don't send everything with them. Specifically talking clothing, I knew to bring some of my work things with me just in case my movers delivered my belongings late, but I now also highly recommend bringing various types of clothing for life's unpredictable moments. For me this became relevant when I agreed to attend a charity event tomorrow night then found out afterwards that it is cocktail attire. Luckily I have something that (sort of?) fits the bill.
  • Back to shopping in gym clothes, it doesn't hurt to wear spandex and also brush your hair and throw on some powder, blush, and mascara. Like it or not, people tend to react better to a nice looking face, plus you never know who'll you'll bump into right? (*Mostly relevant if you're a girl, or if you're just into spandex)
  • Lastly, and most importantly, be nice. I learned this when I moved from New Jersey to Virginia/DC 8 years ago. You'll make a lot more friends with honey (or by sharing your booze). Plus it's not hard to be kind, in fact, sometimes it's difficult to be mean. You'll also make yourself feel good.
That's all for post numero uno. Good night from this new Georgia Peach!