
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

off I go!

Tomorrow I am hopping on MARTA, heading to the airport, and flying over to Europe. This trip is one part vacation, one part adventure, one part avoidance of the Atlanta airport over Thanksgiving, and one part personal challenge.

I say all of these things because I will be spending some of my time in the UK with one of my very best friends who is studying overseas right now then hopping a flight to Rome on Monday to pop around the city (day trip to Pompeii included) by myself. I have shared some thoughts on solo travel and solo international travel here but this is the first time I have done it for an extended period of time and abroad. 

While I know that loads of people -- women of course included -- have ventured off on their own many times before me, this is something new for me so something I am really looking forward to, but with slight reservation. 

No reservation because I’m scared or even anxious, my anticipation is truly all excitement based. I just have no idea what it’s going to be like. I have no idea what it’s going to be like staying by myself in a hotel for 5 days and 4 nights. I have no idea what it’s going to be like to have no one to meet up with or really talk with for those 5 days and 4 nights. I have no idea what it’s going to be like to decide entirely what my plans are, in a foreign city. And I certainly have no idea how it’s going to be communicating with my Italian counterparts, since, well, I don’t speak a lick of Italian. 

It might be terrible. But I might love it. And even if I don’t love it I am excited for the experience and the adventure and to learn whatever it is I learn about myself during this trip.

Stay tuned-- pictures to come! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

sometimes you have to hit pause

I have been beyond delinquent on posting this fall. I have been busy with some side-projects which anyone who follows my blog will surely learn about soon (....) still, I have been frustrated with myself in just how long I've gone without posting anything. I have found myself time and time again beginning to write something, sometimes drafting nearly an entire post, or just jotting down a few notes for an idea on the blogger app but then never coming back to these for weeks.

So why this big pause? 

There's been no funk, no mild seasonal depression with the one cold snap we've had here in Georgia (40s during the daytime a handful of days which earns a "brr" down here... I barely recognize myself anymore!) 

I just needed a little break to focus on a few other things.

Taking a pause like with without having to explain it is something we all need sometimes. It's not something we can enjoy in all facets of our lives-- most of us can't simply stop showing up to work without any notice or reason, mothers and fathers can't stop being parents, and there are other consequences for simply "hitting pause" on other relationships we have. So when and where we can take a necessary pause we should do it.

This is why when blogging --something I enjoy but is not critical to my existence or livelihood-- began to become something that was more taxing than enjoyable I cut myself some slack. I hit pause. 

I've been enjoying this little re-set button for my personal and professional mental state. Which is something I think we all require sometimes.

With the start of November, new projects, and new adventures coming up I plan to getting back to posting regularly but in the meantime cut me some slack :)