
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

well hello 27

Birthday cake my advertising class group (team 7!) made for me my fourth year of college

Today is my twenty-seventh birthday (!!!) 

While I’m not sure if I’ll continue to enjoy birthdays as I get into my thirties and beyond, right now I still really like them. Fact of the matter is birthdays are a perfect excuse to rent party buses, treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure, online shop at Nordstrom all month, and of course get the most expensive Starbucks drink in a venti with an extra shot because it’s free. 

It’s easy to get down or bitter with each passing year. And it’s easy to think about where we “should” be and compare where we actually are with friends, family, and random people who have poor security settings on Facebook and Instagram. I’ve written about my best friend being married and pregnant (which you can read about here) update now is that she’s had her baby (!!!!) and my older brother got engaged two weeks ago (!!!!) 

Yes, a lot of people in my life are having big life events. But I’m having one too. 

The other day while talking with a friend about a dilemma she was in I started to think about myself and I realized that I was just super comfortable -- actually happy -- with where I am in my life. I can’t pinpoint what made me think this but recanting the thought to another friend later I admitted that I used to say that I was comfortable and happy with where I was in the past but often I wasn’t. The fact that I wasn’t in a relationship or sometimes felt stagnated professionally or whatever else was not completely ideal really bothered me. 

So I guess you wake up the week of your twenty-seventh birthday and that all changes? Well, not exactly. Sure there are things I’d change or areas I am still working on improving but that doesn’t happen overnight, and quite frankly, I wouldn’t want it to. (Though if somehow the last 8 car payments I need to make could just magically go away I’d be cool with that)

Maybe in a year or five or fifteen I’ll think back on this birthday and wonder how I could have been this content at this moment but if that’s the case then I assume I’ll be somewhere so wonderfully unfathomable since as I greet 27 today I can say that I’m so happy with where I am, excited for where I’m going, and I’m ready for a hell of a year! 


An update to this birthday post that's already about pure happiness and sincere appreciation...

I can say without a hint of exaggeration that I have never felt so much love from so many people at one point in my life. Before I even woke up my phone was buzzing with messages and I teared up (told ya I was a sap) more than once before even getting my Sbux from all the kind words. A smile has never left my face all day and it's barely the afternoon.

I feel so fortunate to have such wonderful friends and family in my life. Antoher testament to how important it is to surround yourself with people who love you and positive energy; kind words and thoughts and good feelings really can mean and change the world.   

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