
Monday, April 21, 2014

4 things I've learned from reality television

I watch a fair amount of reality television. Yup, some is terrible but a lot is just downright entertaining. Also in some way I feel as if I am actually "getting to know" real people and getting overly invested in the lives of a real character's drama seems better than getting overly invested in Jess and Nick's break up on New Girl.

On top of this I believe that there truly are some interesting and all too relevant things we can glean from these shows.

Like what?

1. Our environments become our realities. We're all living in our "own" worlds, but it's a important to remember that this isn't actually the whole world. It's easy to get caught up in the dramatics and nuances of your life, and while we define our own priorities which are all important, we are not the end all and be all. Keep perspective, keep your cool.

2. Listen to your gut. Just as we've learned from one of the greatest endeavors MTV has ever done (yes, I'm talking about the dating show Are You The One), often times your gut instinct is right on. Consider Kayla and Wes, yes she was arguably the worst person on the whole show and was all too desperate for any attention, things would have been easier for all of us and little Kayla if she had just stuck to her gut and matched up with Wes early on. Bottom line you have instincts for a reason, consider what your gut is telling you. 

3. Put yourself out there. You'll never know unless you try. Sometimes things don't work out, sometimes they blow up in your face, but sometimes they work out swimmingly. The only way you'll know if you'll be successful at something is if you try. Be vulnerable enough to give it a shot and take a real go.

4.  Operate with passion. Someone I know down here in Atlanta is on a cooking competition on Food Network (validating that I won't be the only person watching reality television this spring!) 
One of the contestant was let go because she didn't have enough passion. When this decision was made the chef nailed it by saying that he can teach technique but he can't teach passion. If that doesn't sum up the importance of being passionate then I don't know what does.

So dabble in reality TV. At the very best you'll notice some of these little life lessons and at the very least you'll get a laugh. 

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