
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Been There, Done That: The Inaugural Post

Remember that section of Cosmo called, "Hey, it’s OK” that laundry listed off weird things that are totally normal and fine to do? So maybe that still exists, I don’t read Cosmo anymore (okay I never really did) but I have decided to begin my own regular list of things that are okay.

Expect these to be a little more professionally geared than Cosmo’s (though I’m not hating) but just as honest. Since at the end of the day we often simply want to know that we’re not alone in our quirkiness and confusion. 

Some notes/guidelines for these reoccurring posts that I plan to do 1x a week (are we liking Thursdays?):

  • These will not all be things that I myself have done but will be things that I know to have happened by an immediate contact. Think this will help create some anonymity as well as creditability. 
  • I am toying with what I should call this and have no idea what graphic I will employ so creative readers/friends feel free to contact me with suggestions on either of these areas!

For now we’ll go with, Been There, Done That.

Been There, Done ThatDate a person from your office

So Ill actually start by being totally honest with this one and say that I have done this; sort of. I’ve dated a guy in a totally different department (I think even different line of business?) at the same company as me. This was sticky at times, mostly after we ended things, but still loads better than dating someone in your same department, team, or anything else close to your day-to-day work life if things go sour. 

I have had/have loads of friends and colleagues who have or still are dating people who they interact with at work. So what’s the verdict? Well, sometimes it’s no risk, no reward but in my personal POV you should really think through this situation. Statistically there is a very high chance that things get awkward and from my experience as well as that of others I’m close with, the relationship is often not worth the awkwardness. 

Would I ever do it again? Never say never, but if I can avoid it I certainly plan to.

Don’t believe me? Well, you should because I’ve been there, done that. 

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