It's not that I don't like the idea of "out with the old, in with the new." In fact I love it. And it's not that I get annoyed like others may that many people get laser focused on personal improvement in December and January only to lose this direction in a few weeks; I think that's unfortunate but believe still some growth to be better than none. It's simply not my fav holiday, that's all.
Still, there are some things about it I find really fun. Like the champagne. And counting down to midnight. And the excitement of what's to come in the new year. I also especially love that many people use this as a dedicated time to reflect on their lives and think about the progress they want to make in the future. Yes, this can and should be an ongoing part of your year, but some is better than none.
Personally, I tend to use New Years as a gut check on the areas in which I am trying to grow and get better at all the time. But I won't talk about those here just yet. Later into 2014 I'll talk more about some of these areas and where I am but for today I'd rather write about a few things I really like. Why? Well, it's the end of the holiday season and that's just how I'd like to spend my time and energy.
So what do I really like? Well among other things I really like the movie When Harry Met Sally, and of course I love parties, I also really like reading Drake Baer on Fast Company. With that I thought I'd share one of Drake's recent contributions about how to succeed at a NYE party (which FYI, mentions When Harry Met Sally), highlight some of my favorite parts, and add a few of my own.
Yes, this is a bit of a cop-out. Oh well. With that, here are some of the ways to be a success at a NYE party according to Drake Baer, added to and expanded on by Jane Scudder. Keep in mind that many of these are applicable to much more than New Years and may make good ways to continue personal progress throughout the year. Okay, enough tee-up...
4 Ways to Succeed at New Years Eve and in the New Year:
1. Do you. And do what you want. Okay, this teeters onto one of my resolutions/an area where I want to make some progress but that's okay because I often contradict myself. See I am trying to get better about doing things for myself and not for others. How does this apply to New Years Eve? Well as our friend Drake mentions, don't feel like you have to do something crazy or huge if that's not your style just because it's New Years. Save that feeling for the first warm, sunny Sunday afternoon in the spring, or your birthday, or Halloween, or just a random Wednesday night.
But really, this is the end of your holiday season and you should do what you want and what makes you happy. For me this means an apartment party with some close friends in DC. I'm exhausted from traveling the past 10 days and I also would have been quite content with being back in Atlanta and having even a more low-key night but I'm happy I am powering through this holiday travel and ringing in 2014 with friends who I haven't seen in a while.
Just do what you want and try not to get caught up in the hype of it all. Make plans that will make you happy.
2. Be present. Drakey highlights making new friends and meeting new people. My thoughts apply to this but also to the people you already know wherever you might be. If you do go out be part of the atmosphere. If you don't go out create your own atmosphere and do what makes you happy. But in general limit your texting, Facebook trolling, and Instagram checking while around your friends and new people. It's rude and really off-putting to be around someone always on his or her phone.
3. Don't drink and drive. I think this is pretty self-explanatory so I won't expand on this further, just be safe.
4. Embrace it. Drake focuses on knowing the words to Auld Lang Syne. This is less important to me. What I am be on is being present, being yourself, and having fun. Whatever you're doing just let go, embrace it, and let yourself have a good time.
How am I doing this? Well despite not loving NYE I thought I should try to get in the spirit. Staying true to myself I decided I'd involve one of my favorite things in the world: piñatas. That's right, I shared what I think to be one of my recent best ideas with my friend hosting tonight... Get a piñata, write "2013" on it, and beat the hell out of it.
It's not that I didn't have a pretty awesome 2013, I did. I'm just ready to step into 2014 and not look back. For me, nothing will help symbolize and physically help me do this more than hitting a piñata. This is in part how I plan to embrace my night.
And those are my tips. I hope everyone has a wonderful evening, and enters into a year that will bring happiness, health, and adventure!
**Check back for piñata pics tomorrow
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