In order to grow we must be comfortable with being, well, uncomfortable. Nothing new with that concept I realize, but pushing ourselves outside our
comfort zones truly does has a host of benefits and not so many downsides (think the
downsides are largely related to challenges that are dangerous like trying an extreme
sport without preparation).
I'm personally a huge fan of challenges. It's how we grow
and a great way to learn more about ourselves. But aside from moving to a place
where you know just about no one (check) or traveling abroad on your own (soon
to be check, stay tuned for these plans) it's not always totally clear just how we can push ourselves.
I've wondered what some ways to do this might be. Then a few
weeks ago, I realized I was in the middle of doing it. So what was I in the middle of that was pushing me
outside my comfort zone? I wore a
pair of funky pants to work.
This sounds silly I'm sure but let me explain what exactly I did, what this
taught me and how you can apply the concept.
What I did:
I wore a pair of slouchy, trendy pants to my office.
How does this fit the
criteria of pushing me outside my comfort zone?
I'm glad you asked. See, these pants were a little different from my normal style. I thought they were great in the store.
I thought they were great in the dressing room. I thought they were great in my
apartment. I thought they were great in the morning when I put them on. Then as
soon as I parked my car at my office I wondered, "Wait, are these pants weird?"
I work at website so the dress is pretty causal. Additionally I spend my
time with a lot of technology guys who will admit that they're not the most
stylish. Basically I can wear whatever I want to work.
On top of this I'm also a pretty confident person, both in myself and my
fashion choices.
But still, this almost sinking feeling of, "Is anyone going to say anything to me, or laugh at m?"
crept over me. Being the self-confident person I am, I wasn't proud of it.
But I mentally explored it. And I realized that this was one small way to practice challenging myself. With that in mind, I waltzed into my office in my new pants.
But wait, really, how
does this fit as 'pushing' someone outside of her comfort zone?
I did something that was outside of my normal routine. I
took a risk. I tried -- in this case I wore
-- something new and different. The results don't necessarily matter (though for those who
are interested in, I got some compliments) what matters is that I did something new
that was a little nerve racking and I survived, and possibly became better from it.
Got it. Sort of. But what actually happened:
Again, I got a few compliments but largely no one noticed. I
felt slightly uneasy the first few hours of the day and was aware of how many times I was walking to the bathroom, by the end of the day I forgot I was even
wearing something "different."
Okay, got it now. But what's
the point?
Want to get better at pushing yourself outside your comfort
zone? Try small, seemingly trivial things. Small things still count and trying something like this
in a safe space (e.g., with friends or family, or in a relaxed work environment
on a Friday with coworkers whose fashion opinions you care little about...) is
a good, easy place to start.
Now what?
Challenge yourself. Pick something that you're not super
comfortable with, but won't devastate your life if things go wrong, and go for it.
If we don't push ourselves we won't get better and if we
don't try something we'll never know how it might turn out!
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