
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloweekend recap

It's been a jam-packed past few days. I was so exhausted that I literally went to bed at 9:30 last night. Definitely not the earliest I've been under my covers as an adult, but the earliest in a long time.

Why so tired? Well, Halloween was last week of course, which, if you know me, means one thing: I’ve worn a wig a couple times over the past few days. On top of that there's just been a ton going on. Some highlights and pictures below. 

It really has been a super fun Halloweekend (a phrase my best friend in college was really fond of). Atlanta seemed to sorta go crazy during Halloween. Social craziness is understandable but in the office people were also in a tizzy. I think it’s always fun whenever an office sort of gets "spring fever" in anticipation of a holiday. By 3pm Wednesday the general feeling around my office, and by the influx of snap chats after lunch, Atlanta seemed to be in Halloween mode. I will also assume that everyone had ingested about 7-9 pieces of miniature candy by this point.

I did have a lot to do so it was a bit of a challenge to stay focused. More to come another time on some of the strategies I employed this week. 

On Halloween itself I went to work as Kris Jenner. Here's a little snapshot of our guest at my office:

It makes me even happier that my manager took this pic
One of my top costumes, but I think what I wore to a Halloween party on Friday might be the best I've ever done. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Judge Judy:  

Repurposed graduation gown, gavel from Model UN in high school, and of course the wig

The rest of the weekend included lots of dining out (Mexican and tapas Saturday aka SOO much queso dip), celebrating a friend's birthday, and playing -- but losing -- in kickball championships. 

And now back to the normal grind. Since there are no mid-week holidays for a while I am hoping to return to a bit of a routine for the sake of my waistline and wallet since 9 out the 16 meals I ate Tuesday - Sunday were at restaurants or take out. 

As one of my insightful friends said to me on Sunday, "There will always be time to workout/clean/eat healthy.” Although, if you know me you know I have no plans to do a ton of cleaning with any free time...

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