Okay so this actually is not a movie review of “This is 40.” This is if you’re really jones-ing for one. I liked it a bit more than Rotten Tomatoes but hey.
I did watch “This is 40” the other day and along with generally enjoying it and the whirlwind of emotions that the movie evoked in me (knee-slapper AND tear jerker, though I am pretty sensitive) what it made me think about most is that you never know what someone has going on in his or her life.
This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately and it’s completely true. I think we all know it but it’s easy to forget. Though it’s something we’re quick to remember when something or someone really gets to us or gets us down.
It’s like those things you don’t want or don’t need until you do. Like insurance. Or like the people you don’t think you will miss then once they’re out of your life BAM, you do. Like your parents when you go away to college. Other people too.
A friend of mine posted this picture on Instagram a while back and was nice enough to send it to me and let me post it (gracias MA!!) It seemed like a fitting thing to share in this post. I think there’s a Winston Churchill quote that’s pretty similar.
Beautiful post-if from the stacks of UVA |
You don’t always someone’s situation or story. And even when you do there’s no way to be sure that you know all of it, all the time.
So be kind. Have compassion and empathy and just treat people how you’d like to be treated.
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