
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

what to do when feeling unmotivated

I've often been told that others are impressed with my energy. Managers and peers alike have commented on my fast but accurate work-pace. Family and friends comment on my drive and motivation. On most days I like to think that I've earned these complements, but if I'm being honest, there are some times when I just don't want to do anything.

Sometimes we just want to do Nothing

For even the most motivated people (who put me to shame) there are instances -- days on end at times I'll bet -- when we all just want to do Nothing. (note: capital "N" in nothing to show emphasis)

So what should you do when you hit an energy slump? What do I do well I feel like this? Well personally, I've found that I can get back on track sometimes by doing something, literally, just anything.

Motivation builds: get started doing something, anything

I really mean anything. I'll send an email that I've been putting off. Or if I'm feeling really lazy I'll send an email to someone acknowledging that I need to send them a more comprehensive email. I'll write a to-do list. I'll pre-draft outline of a slide. I'll compose a funny (or not so funny) tweet. I'll draft bullet points for a blog post.

I find that just getting start on (you guessed it!) anything helps me de-clutter my mind and just get going.

When deeper motivation is needed

When I need to accomplish more than a tweet or draft of a draft I sometimes make "deals" with myself. What do I mean? Well just like experts suggest that dieters should indulge every once and a while to avoid total deprivation and a late night froyo binge (just for instance) a break can go a long way.

At my last company I was known for my mid-day work outs. Without access to my gym at my new job I've had to adjust. I'll strike a mental deal with myself that I will take a long lunch or skip lunch and go shopping for an hour or so during the middle of the day. But by allowing myself this time during the day I have a laundry list of tasks that I must get done -- no excuses!!! -- once I return to my desk.

The results are in

So does this really work?? Well considering that I spent over an hour at Nordstrom Rack and decided to publish this *short* blog post late this afternoon I'll let you be the judge.

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