
Monday, August 18, 2014

Back to YOU season

It's back to school season and even if you're not a student or don't have a student in your household it's a great time of year to reset, reground, and re-energize yourself in any and all areas of your life. Think of it as getting back-to-you.

So where to start? Here are some ideas:

Health & fitness

Despite the fact that summer is bathing suit season it's common to have such full schedules to actually gain weight over these summer months. Maybe you've over-indulged just a little bit at all those BBQs or maybe you've been slacking on your gym routine because you have happy hours every night of the week. Take a moment to redefine and realign what you want your health routine to include. This spans physical, mental, emotional-- everything! Think about what you want your health and fitness routine to look like, figure out where it falls on your priority list and reset yourself to start making it happen!


Your surroundings impact you more than you may realize. And since this is the time of year when college students are going back to their schools and moving into new apartments or dorms, it's a natural time to reconsider your space. Changing out a few pieces in your home or at your desk can really change things up and make things feel fresh and new. This is can also be a good time to do some purging. Getting rid of excess items can do wonders to refresh and rejuvenate you. Don't forget to donate pieces that are in good condition!


Ahh summer spending. It can be hard to stay on track with your budget and financial goals when there are so many patios with drink specials, concerts, trips, and events going on. Not to mention all those weddings! This is a good time of the year to take a good look at your spending and reassess your budget and goals. Not to jump from 80 degrees and sunny to snow so soon but the holidays are coming up as will holiday spending; taking time to get yourself into a good spot financially now will help set you up for success when the season of giving comes around.   


A major reason why we all get out of bed in the morning is for our loved ones-- family, friends, significant others. Most of these relationships add value to our lives but sometimes, like all other moving parts of our lives, there can be ups and downs. I like to take some time to think about how and with whom I am spending my time. Am I spending my time with those who I love and love me? Am I over-extended? Are my relationships fulfilling and inspiring or are they draining? Time is our most precious commodity and using is wisely is essential; key to this is our own self-assessment of how we spend it.

All these elements add up

All of these things and more add up to comprise our lives. Take time to make this back-to-school season a back-to-you season and take an inventory of how you're living and operating and if you need to adjust anything. Think about how you'd like to be sending your time, money, energy. Then do it!  

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